Saturday, December 10, 2011

Birthday Boy!

This Thursday we celebrated Steven's Birthday! It was a wonderful day full of spoiling our dinner with cake and Ice cream, a John Schmitt concert at Sundance Resort, Fancy Taco Bell (when I put our taco bell on fancy plates and drizzle sauce on it to make it look fancy... it's a birthday tradition), Balloon wars, "The Santa Clause" with cuddling, presents, and laying in bed talking and laughing until super late. Love you Steven!!!!! Thanks for being so fun.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A few weekends ago we spent the afternoon at Hee-Haw farms with our good friends the Woods. 

Corn Gun Game
             Step 1: Place corn in hydraulic gun
 Step 2: Shoot desired target
                         Step 3: Try to become as good as husband

Hayride with the husband

Pumpkin Patch

Boys enjoying the petting zoo

Once it got dark we purchased out pumpkins, husbands had one last run down the slide and we drove off with our free popcorn. Great Day!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Summertime with the Biringers

A few months ago went to this AMAZING garage sale. Check out my Anthropologie dessert plates for $9.00 and Steve Banana Republic Rain Coat for $10.00. So tempted to buy her Anthropologie red velvet couch. 

Husband looking good in his new raincoat.


Husband has been playing for a local artist names John Allred. A few months ago his band opened for the band Parachute. 

Husband Rockin out

Opening for Parachute in downtown SLC


This summer we invested in the "Pass of all Passes" which gets you into the local water park, mini golf, laser tag, and Minor league baseball games. Almost every day husband and I would come home from work, jump on our bikes and head over to the water park for a few hours. After a night of swimming we would come home, cuddle and eat otter pops... oh the joys of summer.

Owl's baseball game


Fourth of July weekend husband woke me up at 7:00am because there were hot air balloons outside our window. So we grabbed some food for breakfast and raced to the base of "Y" mountain to watch the hot air balloons. We sat, ate breakfast and enjoyed the sight. 

After a while we realized that the balloons were landing so we decided to chase them and watch them land... so off we went. 

Somehow Husband got Roped (quite literally) into helping the hot air balloon land.

What a MAN!

Later on that day we attended "Colonial Days" with our friends the Calls. 


Over Fourth of July weekend we invited some of our friends over to my Grandpa's backyard for a camp out. We stayed up late roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories. The next morning we woke up bright and early for the Fourth of July parade. 

That night we Enjoyed fireworks in Sugarhouse with our good friends the Schroeders. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fancy Cheese

Farmers Market 

This Saturday Husband and I woke up early and went to the Provo Farmers Market. We decided to splurge and buy a couple steaks from grass fed cows. After our large purchase we came to the realization that the cow was slaughters grass fed or not and we suddenly felt less humane.  

Later that afternoon we had our dear friends the Woods over for a fancy cheese and fruit party and a dip in the pool. 

All in all it was a lovely Saturday 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Picnic Sunday

 It is finally warm enough to take advantage of our little balcony. For months we have had dreams of dining on on our back porch having a candlelit dinner in the warm summer sun.   So this weekend we spent our Sunday night riding our bikes which husband fixed up then we came home and relaxed on the back porch. 

Picnic Time 

This weekend was wonderful! After our church meetings on Sunday we decided to go for a picnic. I made some chicken salad sandwiches and packed some chips and salsa and off we went. We went to Bicentennial park in Provo where we laid down our blankets and soaked up the sun. 

After our lovely picnic we went for a long ride up the canyon. We finished our prefect weekend by making peach crisp, cuddling on the couch and watching a movie together. Can't wait until next week!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Holidays

April Fools

For April Fools Day I decided to not do anything crazy and be nice. While Husband was madly studying for a test I "made dinner". I yelled that dinner was ready and told him to take a quick break. To his surprise our stir-fry dinner was really confetti cake and shredded coconut rice. We then experienced a lovely sugar high night.

Happy Easter!

Looking for his Easter basket


We enjoyed our Easter Sunday by attending church, eating stale peeps and chocolate, and playing catch with Steve's Velcro catch mitts from his Easter basket. We ended the lovely day by going to my cousin Michelle's home where her husband and her had made a replica of the last supper. We had fish, and pita bread with honey. It was so much fun and we were so excited to celebrate the special day with family. 

Friday the 13th  

 We were too exhausted to celebrate Friday the 13th on Friday so we decided to celebrate the following morning. As tradition in years past with my roommates husband and I had a "Cereal Killer" party. We lounged on the couch in out PJ's, ate cereal, and watched the classic Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho. The perfect way to celebrate such a disturbing holiday. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

All Dressed Up

Last weekend Husband and I went to the business school closing social. It was a great night full of live Jazz music,  great food and the thrill of getting all dressed up for date night. Highlights of the evening included

1. The guest speaker, who was the owner of the company who makes and designs the Franklin day planner. LOVE a fellow list maker. 
2. The MC for the night was the star of the BYU "New Spice" commercial which is hilarious! If you have not yet seen it yet you MUST!
3. Having a fabulous time with my husband 

After the wonderful night out on the town we went home, watched and movie and crashed! 

The next day Steve played a show at the Riverwoods which is an upscale outdoor mall in Provo. Our friends came down from Rexburg for the event and we had a blast! 

The Climbing and Allred 

Husband Rockin out. 

So This weekend while husband was studying for finals I decided to make a dress. On my way to the fabric store somehow I got distracted and ended up  coming  home with 3 tubes of paint, a glass bowl, a zipper, and a ceramic duck (may be a chicken, may be a hen the verdict is still out) and NO fabric. 
Anyways I decided we were in need of some Easter decorations and that the duck/chicken/hen would be a nice start to my Easter collection. 
Like most things that come from DI my duck/chicken/hen was in need of some love. 

After a nice coat of blue my "bird" was ready for the spotlight

He has now found a nice comfortable home on my kitchen table looking very Eastery.