Sunday, April 17, 2011

All Dressed Up

Last weekend Husband and I went to the business school closing social. It was a great night full of live Jazz music,  great food and the thrill of getting all dressed up for date night. Highlights of the evening included

1. The guest speaker, who was the owner of the company who makes and designs the Franklin day planner. LOVE a fellow list maker. 
2. The MC for the night was the star of the BYU "New Spice" commercial which is hilarious! If you have not yet seen it yet you MUST!
3. Having a fabulous time with my husband 

After the wonderful night out on the town we went home, watched and movie and crashed! 

The next day Steve played a show at the Riverwoods which is an upscale outdoor mall in Provo. Our friends came down from Rexburg for the event and we had a blast! 

The Climbing and Allred 

Husband Rockin out. 

So This weekend while husband was studying for finals I decided to make a dress. On my way to the fabric store somehow I got distracted and ended up  coming  home with 3 tubes of paint, a glass bowl, a zipper, and a ceramic duck (may be a chicken, may be a hen the verdict is still out) and NO fabric. 
Anyways I decided we were in need of some Easter decorations and that the duck/chicken/hen would be a nice start to my Easter collection. 
Like most things that come from DI my duck/chicken/hen was in need of some love. 

After a nice coat of blue my "bird" was ready for the spotlight

He has now found a nice comfortable home on my kitchen table looking very Eastery. 

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